Galactic Campaigns Wiki
Star Wars Legends: Vong Wars
GM KTE "Master GM"
Era New Republic Era
Start Date 20 Feb, 2012; Restart 26 Sept 2015

[Mon Mar 19 19:28:16 2012] : Master_GM:

The heroes barely escaped with their lives, they had sadly lost one. They fled into the dense forrest getting away from the strange creatures that attacked them. The group begins to slow down to regroup back up. Shi'tal however is lagging far behind. Arkoh stops and Tetka is right behind him. It is not but a few minutes later that Dr. Ralrarra shows and begins to catch his breath. There is currently no sign of Shi'tal...

[Mon Mar 19 19:28:48 2012] : Master_GM: (GM Whisper:) Once you are back you can enter in...

[Mon Mar 19 19:30:49 2012] : Master_GM: The forrest is quiet and once again there is no noises. Looking around the area there are a few animals laying on the ground dead, probably suffocated.

[Mon Mar 19 19:32:17 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Did everyone make it out ok?"

[Mon Mar 19 19:32:26 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra is still lugging around a corpse, and stops, turning to see where Shi'tal was... **

[Mon Mar 19 19:32:31 2012] : Tetka: "No time for a head count. Get to the ship!"

[Mon Mar 19 19:33:46 2012] : ** Shi*tal moves along slowly, having a hard time keeping pace with the others in her current state. The adrenaline which had been keeping her moving dwindled sometime ago and the only thing keeping her going is determination. Her helmet hides her labored breathing as she finally catches up and comes into view. **

[Mon Mar 19 19:34:32 2012] : ** Tetka grumbles, and runs back to help her along. "Keep moving." **

[Mon Mar 19 19:35:03 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Everyone fall back to the ship!" Arkoh motions, then moves over to the injured Mandalorian and helps support her. "Come on, Shi'tal. We're almost there."

[Mon Mar 19 19:36:09 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Any sign of pursuit?"

[Mon Mar 19 19:36:32 2012] : Tetka: Perception: [1d20+10+0] => [15,10,0] vs 0 result of (3)

[Mon Mar 19 19:36:55 2012] : Master_GM: With the help of Arkoh and Tetka they pick up the pace and rapidly move in a direction that their ship is. I will need a Survival from someone, others can assist, but choose a primary. And I will need an Endurance from Tetka and Arkoh...

[Mon Mar 19 19:37:10 2012] : ** Shi*tal may be proud but she's hardly foolish as she accepts the two men's help however much help it is. "I think if they wanted to they could have caight me." **

[Mon Mar 19 19:37:15 2012] : Shi*tal: (( I'm trained in Survival... ))

[Mon Mar 19 19:37:28 2012] : Tetka: (I'm also trained in Survival)

[Mon Mar 19 19:37:42 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (Who has the higher modifier?)

[Mon Mar 19 19:38:03 2012] : Shi*tal: (( +9))

[Mon Mar 19 19:38:11 2012] : Tetka: Endurance: [1d20+10+0] => [16,10,0] = (26)

[Mon Mar 19 19:38:24 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Endurance: [1d20+3+0] => [18,3,0] = (21)

[Mon Mar 19 19:38:28 2012] : Tetka: Survival: [1d20+10+0] => [17,10,0] = (27)

[Mon Mar 19 19:38:47 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra continues moving along, intent on carrying this corpse all the way to the ship. If he has to stop to pick someone up, though, he will. "We best leave, as quickly as we can." **

[Mon Mar 19 19:39:03 2012] : Master_GM: Nice rolls everyone...

[Mon Mar 19 19:41:37 2012] : Master_GM: The group makes good time and Tetka seems to know the way back to the ship. The group comes out of the clearing and the ship is right in front of them. This should be a joyous sight to see, but the group just stares. The entry ramp is wide open and what is worse is that it looks broken with scorch marks on it like it was blown open with explosives. The area is still deadly silent.

[Mon Mar 19 19:42:18 2012] : ** Tetka makes sure Shi'tal is steady, then slings his rifle off his back and heads in to check it out, cautiously. **

[Mon Mar 19 19:42:59 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Arkoh motions to Ralrarra to drop the corpse and prepare for battle as he continues to support Shi'tal.

[Mon Mar 19 19:43:15 2012] : Shi*tal: "Looks like the ship had its own company," she says, steadying herself under her own power so Tetka and Arkoh could go on ahead. "Go on. I'll follow behind. WOn't be much use at the moment anyways."

[Mon Mar 19 19:43:33 2012] : Master_GM: Tetka slowly enters the entry way and looks to his left and then to his right. To his right he sees one of the creatures lying on the floor in the crews quarters.

[Mon Mar 19 19:43:36 2012] : Tetka: (What do you wanna bet we find Vong corpses on board... meaning Ralrarra lugged that thing for nothing)

[Mon Mar 19 19:44:27 2012] : ** Tetka steps out and motions for them to come inside. **

[Mon Mar 19 19:44:48 2012] : ** Tetka then heads to the crew quarters to see if Pedric and his bodyguard are alright. **

[Mon Mar 19 19:44:59 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Just don't turn up dead. It's not good business." Arkoh smiles, then pulls out his blaster and heads toward the ship, briefly stopping to say. "Watch your back."

[Mon Mar 19 19:45:09 2012] : Tetka: "You here, rich kid?"

[Mon Mar 19 19:45:36 2012] : ** Shi*tal nods as Arkoh goes on ahead, following behind slowly enough as she brings up the rear, her weapon at the ready. **

[Mon Mar 19 19:46:06 2012] : Master_GM: The orange gas has filled up the cockpit and many other areas. Tetka sees another body in the room another creature. The door to the passengers' quaters is shut.

[Mon Mar 19 19:47:06 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra tosses the corpse inside the ship, and then clutches his sword with both hands, still smarting from earlier wounds. "We need to see if the ship works" **

[Mon Mar 19 19:47:08 2012] : ** Tetka knocks on the door of the passenger quarters, deciding not to jimmy it open so as not to gas the room if Pedric's there. **

[Mon Mar 19 19:47:37 2012] : Master_GM: There is no answer...

[Mon Mar 19 19:48:03 2012] : Tetka: "Well, who's gonna see? Sysop's torn to smithereens, and the engineer's halfway there. Speaking of which, get to work on her."

[Mon Mar 19 19:49:01 2012] : ** Shi*tal makes it to the ramp, and being the last one on board starts to see if it will close. **

[Mon Mar 19 19:49:27 2012] : ** Tetka heads to the cockpit and tries to close the ramp after Shi'tal boards. **

[Mon Mar 19 19:49:48 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Arkoh cautiously watches the dark corners of the ship so as not to be taken by surprise.

[Mon Mar 19 19:49:57 2012] : Master_GM: The door makes a loud grinding noise that can be heard through out the ship. The ramp comes all the way up, but it doesn't seem to the magnetically sealing to keep atmosphere in.

[Mon Mar 19 19:50:45 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (Where IS the entry ramp, btw?)

[Mon Mar 19 19:50:56 2012] : ** Tetka makes a disdainful groan, then heads back to assess the damage and see if he can get the magnetic sealing back online. **

[Mon Mar 19 19:51:20 2012] : Master_GM: (I was thinking there)

[Mon Mar 19 19:52:01 2012] : Tetka: He shrugs, figuring they don't wanna keep this particular atmosphere in anyway. "Alright, new place. We'll let space vent the gas, then turn life support back on after fixing the magnetic sealing."

[Mon Mar 19 19:52:07 2012] : Shi*tal: "Osi'kyr!" she curses and without much more energy collapses against the wall, sliding to the floor

[Mon Mar 19 19:52:20 2012] : Tetka: "In the meantime, Boss, I'm gonna need you to take 'er out of orbit while I plot our jump."

[Mon Mar 19 19:52:26 2012] : Tetka: "We're gettin' the hell off this rock."

[Mon Mar 19 19:52:38 2012] : Tetka: also *new plan

[Mon Mar 19 19:52:40 2012] : Shi*tal: "Would be a good idea to at least get the seal working before then." she comments from her position.

[Mon Mar 19 19:52:58 2012] : Tetka: "We'll be fine, just keep your suit on."

[Mon Mar 19 19:53:07 2012] : ** Shi*tal looks it over. **

[Mon Mar 19 19:53:11 2012] : Tetka: "You worry too much."

[Mon Mar 19 19:53:17 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra sees that they're safe, and shrugging for now. Keeping his sword on hand, he turns to Shi*tal, opening up his medical kit. "Hold still" **

[Mon Mar 19 19:53:47 2012] : ** Shi*tal isn't going anywhere **

[Mon Mar 19 19:53:52 2012] : ** Tetka heads to the cockpit and starts working the astrogator immediately. **

[Mon Mar 19 19:53:53 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "We still don't know what happened here. We should at least make sure our passenger is still with us and no more enemies are onboard."

[Mon Mar 19 19:54:19 2012] : Tetka: "There's no time! How much oxygen have you even got left in your mask?"

[Mon Mar 19 19:54:20 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "What good will astrogation be if we get shot in the back of the head?"

[Mon Mar 19 19:54:50 2012] : Tetka: "These things don't strike me as cautious. If they were gonna attack us, they'd do it now."

[Mon Mar 19 19:54:51 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra calls out "Are any other locations on the planet safe?" **

[Mon Mar 19 19:55:37 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "I've got enough for a quick sweep. Besides, going out into space without air would be just as foolish as lingering here. We need that magnetic seal to hold before we ship off."

[Mon Mar 19 19:56:18 2012] : Tetka: "Fine, do it, I'm just the damn pilot. Go do your stuff while I plot the course."

[Mon Mar 19 19:56:36 2012] : ** Tetka groans irritably as he loses his train of thought and starts again. **

[Mon Mar 19 19:57:57 2012] : ** Tetka gets to work. This is going to be one of the shortest routes he's ever tried to take, but these were extraordinary circumstances. **

[Mon Mar 19 19:58:08 2012] : Tetka: (Increasing the DC by...)

[Mon Mar 19 19:58:22 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra goes to tending to Shi*tals wounds, and the poison, while the others are busy. They may need another soldier again very soon **

[Mon Mar 19 19:58:36 2012] : Master_GM: Make a check for the poison.

[Mon Mar 19 19:58:47 2012] : ** Shi*tal eyes the Wookie with his medical kit as he goes about treating her through the vacuum sealed suite **

[Mon Mar 19 19:58:49 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: [1d20+12] => [8,12] = (20) Treat Injury

[Mon Mar 19 19:58:57 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Arkoh leaves the cockpit and says to Shi'tal as he passes by, "As soon as you are well enough to do so, start working on that seal." Arkoh then begins his search in the western wing of the ship, starting in the lounge and working his way back to the cargo area.

[Mon Mar 19 20:00:01 2012] : Master_GM: Dr. Ralrarra has never encountered such poison before, his attempt doesn't seem to being much for her.

[Mon Mar 19 20:00:49 2012] : Tetka: (Increasing it by 20, to a total of 30.)

[Mon Mar 19 20:00:54 2012] : Tetka: (Cutting the travel time to 3 hours.)

[Mon Mar 19 20:01:05 2012] : Tetka: Pilot: [1d20+17+5] => [19,17,5] = (41)

[Mon Mar 19 20:01:17 2012] : Tetka: (Damn. Should've increased it even further.)

[Mon Mar 19 20:01:31 2012] : Tetka: (Nah, didn't wanna push my luck.

[Mon Mar 19 20:02:23 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: After a quick glance in the western half of the ship, Arkoh heads to the engine room and notices a strange blue liquid on the floor. He glanced around the room briefly, then headed back toward Ralrarra to check on Shi'tal.

[Mon Mar 19 20:02:28 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "How is she?"

[Mon Mar 19 20:02:30 2012] : Tetka: "Gimme 30 seconds to finish programming the jump," he says over the intercom. "After that, we've got a three-hour trip back."

[Mon Mar 19 20:02:49 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: "I will need time. Time we do not have. She lives, and is in no danger of dying before the rest of us."

[Mon Mar 19 20:03:03 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: "These are... hardly ideal conditions to work."

[Mon Mar 19 20:03:43 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Good. Grab your sword and come with me."

[Mon Mar 19 20:04:04 2012] : ** Shi*tal waits for relief from the Doc's efforts but after awhile she doesn't feel much different. Her head is leaning back against the bulkhead. Her head looks over at Arkoh as he speaks. **

[Mon Mar 19 20:04:42 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra odes so, following after Arkoh "We are not alone?" **

[Mon Mar 19 20:05:19 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "I'm not sure. Go take a quick look in the engine room, then report back to me."

[Mon Mar 19 20:05:45 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: "I am not heading in alone. I am no coward, but it is not wise tactics. At the very least, be there to see me be attacked."

[Mon Mar 19 20:06:08 2012] : ** Shi*tal tries to follow, but finding it difficult to stand just stays where she is sitting against the wall. **

[Mon Mar 19 20:06:35 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Just stay there, Shi'tal. We'll be out of this soon enough."

[Mon Mar 19 20:06:54 2012] : Shi*tal: "Not going anywhere anytime soon it would seem"

[Mon Mar 19 20:07:57 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "I just wanted you to look inside the door to the engine room briefly. There's some strange liquid on the floor."

[Mon Mar 19 20:08:36 2012] : Master_GM: The doctor notices the blue liquid on the floor as they enter the engine room. He moves closer to it and sees that it is leaking from the hyperdrive.'

[Mon Mar 19 20:09:32 2012] : Master_GM: There is nothing else in the whole room to note other than this.

[Mon Mar 19 20:10:07 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra looks to the hyperdrive, pointing at it with his sword. "I am a doctor of men, not machines." **

[Mon Mar 19 20:10:25 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Looks like we aren't going anywhere fast."

[Mon Mar 19 20:10:45 2012] : Tetka: "What?"

[Mon Mar 19 20:11:07 2012] : ** Tetka turns around, hearing Arkoh talking in the gunwell. "What do you mean?" **

[Mon Mar 19 20:11:23 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "The hyperdrive is leaking. Until we patch it up, we can't make the hyperspace jump."

[Mon Mar 19 20:11:38 2012] : ** Tetka says something nasty-sounding in Durese and heads for engineering. **

[Mon Mar 19 20:12:39 2012] : Tetka: He checks out the hyper drive to see if he can do anything.

[Mon Mar 19 20:12:48 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Come on, Doctor. Let's see what other surprises we can find."

[Mon Mar 19 20:13:07 2012] : Master_GM: You have mechanics, Tetka?

[Mon Mar 19 20:13:14 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: He turns and heads to the crew quarters, working his way throughout the rest of the eastern wing.

[Mon Mar 19 20:13:18 2012] : Tetka: He pulls the toolkit off his belt. He's not an engineer, but this ain't his first time fixing something.

[Mon Mar 19 20:13:36 2012] : ** Shi*tal utters her own curse, and feeling relatively useless tries to get up once more. This time suceeding before heading into engineering to look over the damage for herself. **

[Mon Mar 19 20:13:56 2012] : Tetka: Mechanics: [1d20+10+0] => [4,10,0] = (14)

[Mon Mar 19 20:14:13 2012] : Shi*tal: Mechanics: [1d20+16+-10] => [16,16,-10] = (22)

[Mon Mar 19 20:15:05 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Arkoh goes to Pedric's room and knocks, shouting out his name to see if he responds.

[Mon Mar 19 20:15:28 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (*the door to Pedric's room*)

[Mon Mar 19 20:15:30 2012] : Master_GM: Shi'tal comes in and give Tetka some direction in order to aid him fixing the ship with her help they patch up the leak. They have probably enough fluid to make one jump.

[Mon Mar 19 20:15:42 2012] : Master_GM: There is no answer to Arkoh call.

[Mon Mar 19 20:16:03 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra returns to the center of the ship, sitting down himself to recouperate **

[Mon Mar 19 20:16:21 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (Is the door locked?)

[Mon Mar 19 20:16:24 2012] : Master_GM: No

[Mon Mar 19 20:16:32 2012] : ** Shi*tal glad to be doing something she motions for Tetka to follow her. "Let's see about getting the seal fixed." **

[Mon Mar 19 20:16:42 2012] : ** Tetka sighs with relief, and turns to Shi'tal. "You know a thing or two about fixing a leaky hyperdrive, kid, I'll give you that." **

[Mon Mar 19 20:16:50 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Arkoh then enters Pedric's room and shouts again.

[Mon Mar 19 20:17:03 2012] : Master_GM: The room is empty...

[Mon Mar 19 20:17:05 2012] : Tetka: He nods and comes with when she beckons.

[Mon Mar 19 20:17:19 2012] : Master_GM: The door to the cargo hold is also closed.

[Mon Mar 19 20:17:22 2012] : Tetka: (where did we say the ramp was?)

[Mon Mar 19 20:17:35 2012] : Master_GM: You are right next to it.

[Mon Mar 19 20:17:36 2012] : Shi*tal: (( where the gunwell is apparently ))

[Mon Mar 19 20:17:48 2012] : Master_GM: The gun well gores up.

[Mon Mar 19 20:17:51 2012] : Master_GM: *goes

[Mon Mar 19 20:18:01 2012] : Master_GM: and the ramp goes down.

[Mon Mar 19 20:18:07 2012] : ** Shi*tal gets to work on the ramp. **

[Mon Mar 19 20:18:09 2012] : Tetka: (mmkay, cool.)

[Mon Mar 19 20:18:11 2012] : Shi*tal: Mechanics: [1d20+16+-10] => [6,16,-10] = (12)

[Mon Mar 19 20:18:26 2012] : Tetka: Mechanics: [1d20+10+0] => [12,10,0] = (22)

[Mon Mar 19 20:18:38 2012] : Master_GM: In front of the cargo door Arkoh does notice another creature's body there.

[Mon Mar 19 20:19:04 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Arkoh goes to check the door to the cargo hold. "Pedric! If you're in there, open the door."

[Mon Mar 19 20:19:18 2012] : Tetka: (What?!)

[Mon Mar 19 20:19:27 2012] : Master_GM: The ship is in need more repair than what Tetka and Shi'tal have done, but it is enough to keep the thing together.

[Mon Mar 19 20:19:29 2012] : Shi*tal: (( lol opening the door without lifesupport isn't the best idea... ))

[Mon Mar 19 20:19:32 2012] : Tetka: (The ship is flooded with gas.)

[Mon Mar 19 20:19:44 2012] : Tetka: (Exactamundo.)

[Mon Mar 19 20:19:51 2012] : Master_GM: The gas doesn't move that fast...

[Mon Mar 19 20:20:01 2012] : Master_GM: There is no gas in the room Arkoh is in.

[Mon Mar 19 20:20:02 2012] : Tetka: (Alright, fine...)

[Mon Mar 19 20:20:15 2012] : Tetka: (Fair enough.)

[Mon Mar 19 20:20:17 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (He was trying to make sure Pedric was still alive, mostly)

[Mon Mar 19 20:20:25 2012] : Master_GM: Now with the door closed you can start venting.

[Mon Mar 19 20:20:39 2012] : Master_GM: There is no answer from inside the cargo room.

[Mon Mar 19 20:20:46 2012] : ** Tetka heads up to the cockpit to take the controls and pull them out of orbit. **

[Mon Mar 19 20:20:48 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Without hearing a response, Arkoh opens the door and enters.

[Mon Mar 19 20:21:04 2012] : Pedric: When Arkoh finds Pedric, he is sitting as far into the cargo room as possible, back against the wall, holding a pistol in each hand. His computer is on the floor near the door, and his baggage has been rifled through, and two grenades lie on the floor also near the door. Pedric himself looks only about half conscious, and very sickly. He has a big gash across his chest, and there is a small puddle of vomit on the floor to his left. On the ground, laying next to him on the right is a very still Tal who has mutiple, visible gashes.

[Mon Mar 19 20:21:27 2012] : Tetka: As he walks away, he talks back to Shi'tal, "You look like hell. Go sit down, or somethin."

[Mon Mar 19 20:21:48 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "DOCTOR! WE HAVE TWO MORE PATIENTS!! GET IN HERE NOW!!"

[Mon Mar 19 20:22:39 2012] : Tetka: (I assume I was able to finish calculating the jump?)

[Mon Mar 19 20:22:40 2012] : ** Shi*tal can't help but let out a short laugh. While her slow movements probably showed how she was feeling her pained expression couldn't really be seen. "Thanks, Doc Tetka," she jokes. Rather than collapsing against the wall again she makes her way to the lounge and collapses in a chair. **

[Mon Mar 19 20:22:44 2012] : Master_GM: Yes

[Mon Mar 19 20:22:51 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra grabs his bag and runs to Arkoh, moving as fast as he could. **

[Mon Mar 19 20:22:55 2012] : Pedric: Seeing Arkoh, he looks up. And can only gesture to his mouth and throat. Apparently scared of the gas.

[Mon Mar 19 20:23:13 2012] : ** Tetka lifts off and heads into the atmosphere. **

[Mon Mar 19 20:23:43 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "It's ok, the gas isn't here yet." Arkoh nevertheless takes off his mask and puts it on Pedric.

[Mon Mar 19 20:23:43 2012] : Tetka: He gives a quick message over the comms. "We have liftoff. ETA, 3 hours."

[Mon Mar 19 20:23:56 2012] : Master_GM: The ship begins venting out the orange gases and before they even reach orbit the air as reached breathable levels.

[Mon Mar 19 20:24:20 2012] : ** Tetka takes off his suit. He's been waiting for this. **

[Mon Mar 19 20:24:38 2012] : Tetka: Not because he needs the air - on the contrary, his suit has 10 hours of life support.

[Mon Mar 19 20:24:52 2012] : Shi*tal: With the gas clear she removes her own helmet, letting it drop to the floor beside her.

[Mon Mar 19 20:24:54 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "You put up one hell of a fight, kid."

[Mon Mar 19 20:25:00 2012] : Tetka: He reaches under the controls and pulls out a bottle of whiskey, tossing it back for several sustained seconds.

[Mon Mar 19 20:25:02 2012] : Tetka: "Ahhhh."

[Mon Mar 19 20:25:19 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "DOCTOR, I NEED YOU IN HERE NOW!!!"

[Mon Mar 19 20:25:26 2012] : Tetka: "Need to build some kinda whiskey stash into the space helmet..."

[Mon Mar 19 20:25:37 2012] : Pedric: Finally having the others around, he loses what's left of his consciousness.

[Mon Mar 19 20:25:43 2012] : Tetka: "Something with a retractable straw... maybe voice-controlled..."

[Mon Mar 19 20:25:57 2012] : Pedric: He falls over, barely missing landing in his own vomit.

[Mon Mar 19 20:26:04 2012] : Master_GM: Dr. Ralrarra enters into the room and sees Tal on the ground face down and Pedric taking a few breathes of oxygen before passing out.

[Mon Mar 19 20:26:42 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra moves to Pedric, pushing Arkoh aside so he can tend to both patients as quickly as possible **

[Mon Mar 19 20:27:48 2012] : Master_GM: Once the ship breaks through the atmosphere Tetka notices that a transmission is being broadcast over a sublight transciever.

[Mon Mar 19 20:28:15 2012] : Master_GM: Roll Treat Injury Doctor.

[Mon Mar 19 20:28:58 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: [1d20+12] => [1,12] = (13) Treat Injury

[Mon Mar 19 20:29:21 2012] : ** Tetka listens in on the transmission. **[Mon Mar 19 20:29:49 2012] : Master_GM: The doctor can't really do much for Pedric currently...

[Mon Mar 19 20:30:03 2012] : Master_GM: He turns to Tal, checks his pulse and finds nothing…

[Mon Mar 19 20:30:21 2012] : Master_GM: Even through his fur the Wookiee can feel that Tal is cold.

[Mon Mar 19 20:31:29 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra stands up, shaking his head. "We need to find out who these creatures were." **

[Mon Mar 19 20:32:02 2012] : ** Shi*tal is nearly falling asleep in the chair **

[Mon Mar 19 20:32:33 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "We need Pedric stable, at least. Looks like it's too late for Tal."

[Mon Mar 19 20:32:50 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "...and we need to find a new gunner..." he says under his breath.

[Mon Mar 19 20:32:51 2012] : Master_GM: "...M(**sss**)k(**sss**) Reg(**sss**)la, d(**sss**) y(**sss**)u c(**sss**)py. Th(**sss**)s (**sss**)s Land(**sss**) Calr(**sss**)ss(**sss**)an. elkadan (**sss**)s unreachale. D(**sss**) y(**sss**)u c(**sss**)py?"

[Mon Mar 19 20:33:24 2012] : Master_GM: The comm fizzes in and out it looks like the channel needs to be cleaned up.

[Mon Mar 19 20:33:57 2012] : Tetka: He tries to broadcast back. "We read you, Calrissian. There's been some kind of attack."

[Mon Mar 19 20:34:03 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Arkoh heads to the cockpit to check the status of the trip.

[Mon Mar 19 20:34:22 2012] : Master_GM: "Hello, who is this?" The channel begins to clear up.

[Mon Mar 19 20:34:42 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra takes Pedric somewhere safe, finding a spare bed to begin more long-term treatment **

[Mon Mar 19 20:34:46 2012] : Tetka: "Tetka SoLaal, pilot of the Errant Star. We just came from Belkadan."

[Mon Mar 19 20:35:13 2012] : Tetka: "We were attack by an unidentified hostile species using unrecognized technology."

[Mon Mar 19 20:35:29 2012] : Master_GM: "Belkadan? We had lost communication with the planet. Is Miko Regila with you?"

[Mon Mar 19 20:35:46 2012] : Tetka: (Who's Miko? Is that one of the dead people we found?)

[Mon Mar 19 20:36:06 2012] : Master_GM: "Hostile species?" (No, you don't know him.)

[Mon Mar 19 20:36:19 2012] : Master_GM: (GM Whisper:) Aw you are no fun.

[Mon Mar 19 20:36:34 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Arkoh picks up the comm and responds. "The planet Belkadan is completely overrun with some strange creatures."

[Mon Mar 19 20:36:36 2012] : Tetka: "No, but I'd say his chances aren't too good. The planet's been flooded with poison gas. Looked like an invasion force."

[Mon Mar 19 20:37:03 2012] : Master_GM: "Invasion?" There is a very long pause...

[Mon Mar 19 20:37:27 2012] : Master_GM: "We need to talk, but not over this channel. Where are you heading?"

[Mon Mar 19 20:37:38 2012] : Tetka: (What's the name of that place again?)

[Mon Mar 19 20:37:46 2012] : Tetka: (Asteroid place or whatever.)

[Mon Mar 19 20:37:47 2012] : Master_GM: Dubrillion.

[Mon Mar 19 20:37:59 2012] : Master_GM: Belt Runner I

[Mon Mar 19 20:38:16 2012] : Tetka: "Dubrillion. We should be there in 3 hours, I just finished plotting the jump."

[Mon Mar 19 20:38:43 2012] : Tetka: "We're badly damaged, with multiple injured crew, one dead."

[Mon Mar 19 20:38:57 2012] : Tetka: (Wait, scratch the one dead. No one's told him about Tal.)

[Mon Mar 19 20:38:57 2012] : Mercy: (and one destroyed :( )

[Mon Mar 19 20:39:23 2012] : Master_GM: "I am sorry to hear that. I will be looking for your arrival."

[Mon Mar 19 20:40:09 2012] : Master_GM: "Over and out."

[Mon Mar 19 20:42:41 2012] : Master_GM: The heroes jump into hyperspace upon reaching a safe jumping distance. Just as the heroes ship leaps into hyperspace multiple "asteroids" appear out of nowhere, as if they came out of hyperspace. The asteroids slowly descend on the planet of Belkadan.

[Mon Mar 19 20:43:22 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Tal's dead. Pedric is badly injured"

[Mon Mar 19 20:43:39 2012] : Tetka: He sighs. "He gonna be alright?"

[Mon Mar 19 20:44:05 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "No idea. Had a large gash across his chest and he'd lost a lot of blood."

[Mon Mar 19 20:46:23 2012] : ** Shi*tal is out cold in the chair **

[Mon Mar 19 20:46:29 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra sees that Pedric is taken care of as best he can given the situation, and then goes to his 'prize' - the corpse, trying to find some out of the way location to begin an examination. **

[Mon Mar 19 20:46:53 2012] : Tetka: (Corpse? I think you mean corpses. There are like 4 of them.)

[Mon Mar 19 20:47:04 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: (Yes, but this one is his)

[Mon Mar 19 20:47:20 2012] : Shi*tal: (( and considering you used the one as a weapon surprised it's not in pieces ))

[Mon Mar 19 20:48:13 2012] : Master_GM: The crew tired from their encounter begins to rest and recoup from the battle they just had. The crew goes about whatever they can to pass the time and to take their mind off of what had happened to them. Take a moment to describe what your character is doing during this time...

[Mon Mar 19 20:48:39 2012] : Master_GM: Doctor roll Knowledge (life Sciences) for what you are attempting.

[Mon Mar 19 20:49:04 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: [1d20+7] => [18,7] = (25)

[Mon Mar 19 20:49:27 2012] : Master_GM: Looking over the creature he makes the following discoveries...

[Mon Mar 19 20:49:47 2012] : ** Shi*tal has essentially fallen uncnsious in the chair and doens't seem to notice anyone unless they physically disturb her **

[Mon Mar 19 20:50:26 2012] : Master_GM: He finds that they hardened skin on the creature is actually a type of armor and infact that it is a creature grown into the skin of this creature. They seem to have a symbiotic relationship...

[Mon Mar 19 20:50:31 2012] : Pedric: Pedric wakes up. At seeing the creatures in the same room, he stumbles off his bed, and finds his computer, and then finds the nearest room that doesn't have a corpse currently occupying it. He sits and looks terrified.

[Mon Mar 19 20:51:00 2012] : Master_GM: Many of the scars on the body seem to be self inflicted that are not fresh.

[Mon Mar 19 20:51:03 2012] : ** Tetka is drinking, what else? Whether he's drinking with someone is up to the other players. **

[Mon Mar 19 20:52:33 2012] : Master_GM: He takes the living weapon that the creature was using and figures out a way to extract some of it venom to make an antidote. Next time you try to detoxify any of the heroes you gain a +2 bonus against the weapons poison.

[Mon Mar 19 20:52:55 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: ((I would have dragged Pedric to some bed not surrounded by corpses))

[Mon Mar 19 20:53:22 2012] : Pedric: Pedric only attempts to use his computer.

[Mon Mar 19 20:53:58 2012] : ** Tetka offers Shi'tal a drink out of courtesy, since she's already seated in the lounge when he gets there. **

[Mon Mar 19 20:54:19 2012] : ** Shi*tal wakes with a start an hour into the trip. With a groan she looks over at Tetka. "What's going on?" she asks, working on stretching on a krik that had formed in her uncomfortable state **

[Mon Mar 19 20:54:54 2012] : Tetka: "You're alive, and we're headed back. Want a drink?"

[Mon Mar 19 20:55:27 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Arkoh goes to check on the progress of the doctor's examination. "What have you discovered about them?"

[Mon Mar 19 20:56:07 2012] : Shi*tal: "Unh... I could tell I'm alive by the pain... Tends to be a good indicator." She takes the proffered drink and takes a swig of it to help null the aches. She hands tit back to him.

[Mon Mar 19 20:56:46 2012] : Pedric: Upon hearing Tetka and Shi'tal, Pedric sheepishly makes his way toward them from the room adjacent to the lounge. He sits.

[Mon Mar 19 20:57:12 2012] : Master_GM: While this is all happening, the whole group hears a loud sound comes from the engine room. Looking out the window you will notice that you are dropping out of hyperspace WAY too early. It has only been an hour and a half.

[Mon Mar 19 20:57:15 2012] : ** Tetka takes a swig too. "So, before we left... You said it'd been a while since you flew with anybody but your uncle." **

[Mon Mar 19 20:57:42 2012] : Tetka: (EXCUSE ME. Important roleplaying going on here!)

[Mon Mar 19 20:57:47 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: "Much. They are quite unusual. I wish I had a full lab..."

[Mon Mar 19 20:57:58 2012] : Shi*tal: "Su cuy'gar!' she says upon spotting Pedric, the words taking a more literal meaning this time. (( Hello - lit. "You're still alive." ))

[Mon Mar 19 20:58:19 2012] : Pedric: He nods.

[Mon Mar 19 20:58:34 2012] : Shi*tal: (( lol... so much for RPing ))

[Mon Mar 19 20:58:36 2012] : Master_GM: Whenever you are ready that hapens.

[Mon Mar 19 20:58:45 2012] : Master_GM: It doesn't matter really.

[Mon Mar 19 20:59:10 2012] : ** Tetka groans. "It'll have to wait again. We shouldn't be out of hyperspace yet..." **

[Mon Mar 19 20:59:24 2012] : Tetka: "You kids play nice." He leaves the bottle and heads for the cockpit.

[Mon Mar 19 20:59:42 2012] : Pedric: Pedric eyes the bottle intently.

[Mon Mar 19 20:59:56 2012] : Tetka: "Now, what the hell's goin' on..."

[Mon Mar 19 21:00:10 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "You'll have to fill me in on the details later. Something's not right." Arkoh leaves the doctor and heads to the engine room.

[Mon Mar 19 21:00:11 2012] : ** Shi*tal turns her attention back to Tetka and nods slowly, but doesn't make much of a move to follow Tetka. Seeing Pedric eye the bottle she takes another swig and then hands it to him. **

[Mon Mar 19 21:00:44 2012] : Shi*tal: "How's Tal?" she asks

[Mon Mar 19 21:00:44 2012] : ** Tetka checks to make sure there aren't any hostiles, also checking the astrogator to make sure there isn't an error. **

[Mon Mar 19 21:01:12 2012] : Master_GM: Tetka can see from the controls that there is something wrong with the hyperdrive. It looks like it sputtered out.

[Mon Mar 19 21:01:16 2012] : Pedric: He takes a big swig, and shakes his head.

[Mon Mar 19 21:01:29 2012] : Tetka: "Dammit."

[Mon Mar 19 21:01:42 2012] : Master_GM: Glancing over at the sensors he doesn't see any hostiles out there...

[Mon Mar 19 21:01:48 2012] : ** Tetka heads back to the engine room, deciding to let Shi'tal rest. **

[Mon Mar 19 21:01:57 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (Arkoh's in the engine room, so I suppose he would've noticed that too?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:02:24 2012] : Tetka: He stops himself, remembering that the sensors don't pick up these things.

[Mon Mar 19 21:02:31 2012] : Tetka: He stays and watches in the cockpit.

[Mon Mar 19 21:02:37 2012] : Master_GM: The Hyperdrive is fried. It doesn't take a Hyperdrive scientist to see that.

[Mon Mar 19 21:02:38 2012] : Tetka: He'll have to rely on his eyes here.

[Mon Mar 19 21:03:02 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (Yea lol that's why i said that)

[Mon Mar 19 21:03:15 2012] : Master_GM: Roll Perception

[Mon Mar 19 21:03:24 2012] : Shi*tal: "Oh.. I'm sorry... were you two close? Aside from him being your ver'gebuir that is." (bodyguard lit: hired guardian (almost-father))

[Mon Mar 19 21:03:37 2012] : Tetka: (Can I take 10, or do I have to roll?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:03:48 2012] : Master_GM: You can take ten.

[Mon Mar 19 21:04:07 2012] : Tetka: (I'll take 10, +10 is 20.)

[Mon Mar 19 21:04:10 2012] : Pedric: Taking a drink, he speaks for the first time in hours, "He... Was the only person... I was ever close to."

[Mon Mar 19 21:04:58 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "It's no good. The hyperdrive is done." Arkoh says as he joins Tetka in the cockpit. "See anything out there?"

[Mon Mar 19 21:05:13 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (My new title is "Captain Obvious")

[Mon Mar 19 21:05:43 2012] : Tetka: "Nothin' yet, but the sensors don't pick 'em up. Hyperdrive can't be saved?"

[Mon Mar 19 21:05:43 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: "Their weapons and armor are completely biological. Evidence of ritual scarring... I am unsure of what to make of it... I have not seem much like this before..."

[Mon Mar 19 21:06:12 2012] : Master_GM: The blackness of space is vast. Out there you can see hundreds of star systems, planets and stars. After adjusting a little something catches Tetka's eyes two asteroids moving across the field of space. They are chasing what looks like a highly mobile escape pod.

[Mon Mar 19 21:06:24 2012] : ** Shi*tal frowns at him. "My uncle.. he was killed not so long ago. He's the only one I would have called father. He nearly adopted my formally too, but he didn't want to upset his brother." **

[Mon Mar 19 21:06:36 2012] : Tetka: "Spoke too soon. What do you say, captain? Intercept?"

[Mon Mar 19 21:06:46 2012] : Tetka: He points to the pod being chased.

[Mon Mar 19 21:07:20 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "We're severely outgunned and have no hyperdrive. I'm not sure how much help we could actually give."

[Mon Mar 19 21:07:57 2012] : Tetka: "Your call, boss."

[Mon Mar 19 21:08:00 2012] : Shi*tal: "It's hard.. I wake up every day thinking about him, wondering if there was something I could have done to keep him alive, but in the end.. he's gone and I'm still here."

[Mon Mar 19 21:08:10 2012] : ** Tetka takes evasive action so as not to be seen. **

[Mon Mar 19 21:08:35 2012] : Tetka: (Hlow long would it take to reach civilization at sublight?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:08:36 2012] : Master_GM: Roll Stealth at a -10.

[Mon Mar 19 21:08:44 2012] : Tetka: (*How)

[Mon Mar 19 21:08:44 2012] : Master_GM: Years

[Mon Mar 19 21:08:53 2012] : Tetka: Stealth: [1d20+7+-10] => [16,7,-10] = (13)

[Mon Mar 19 21:09:01 2012] : Tetka: (haha, I would think so)

[Mon Mar 19 21:09:05 2012] : Tetka: (adding an FP to that)

[Mon Mar 19 21:09:08 2012] : Tetka: [1d6] => [5] = (5)

[Mon Mar 19 21:09:11 2012] : Pedric: "How long ago?" He takes another drink and passes it back to her, "Tal practically raised me. He was with me ever since I was about 12. He went with me when my dad... Well. Yeah."

[Mon Mar 19 21:09:26 2012] : Pedric: "That's not a good place to go right now, sorry."

[Mon Mar 19 21:09:26 2012] : Tetka: (Wanna assist, copilot?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:09:40 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (Sure. What do I roll?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:09:48 2012] : Master_GM: Stealth at a -10

[Mon Mar 19 21:09:52 2012] : Tetka: (Stealth, -10 I guess.)

[Mon Mar 19 21:09:55 2012] : Tetka: (Yeah.)

[Mon Mar 19 21:10:06 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Stealth: [1d20+6-10] => [16,6,-10] = (12)

[Mon Mar 19 21:10:13 2012] : Master_GM: 20 DC

[Mon Mar 19 21:10:20 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Well, didn't make it

[Mon Mar 19 21:10:23 2012] : Master_GM: Perception: [1d20+8+0] => [13,8,0] = (21)

[Mon Mar 19 21:10:26 2012] : Tetka: (so not enough for the +2, huh?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:10:31 2012] : Tetka: crap!

[Mon Mar 19 21:10:33 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Force point wouldn't even help.

[Mon Mar 19 21:10:49 2012] : Master_GM: (IT was enough)

[Mon Mar 19 21:10:53 2012] : Tetka: (Even if you made it, they would JUST see us)

[Mon Mar 19 21:11:07 2012] : Master_GM: It makes it the DC 20.

[Mon Mar 19 21:11:14 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Oh, good.

[Mon Mar 19 21:11:14 2012] : Master_GM: For them to spot you.

[Mon Mar 19 21:11:32 2012] : Tetka: (Oh. DC 20 for their perception)

[Mon Mar 19 21:11:49 2012] : Master_GM: Suddenly the escape pod turns in the direction of the heroes...

[Mon Mar 19 21:11:49 2012] : Tetka: (We both thought you were saying for his roll.)

[Mon Mar 19 21:11:57 2012] : Tetka: (I was a bit puzzled by it.)

[Mon Mar 19 21:12:05 2012] : Master_GM: The two asteroids stop...

[Mon Mar 19 21:12:08 2012] : Tetka: "Uh oh."

[Mon Mar 19 21:12:14 2012] : Shi*tal: "Almost a year ago," she says eyeing the bottle. Pedric was obviously not very good at sharing.

[Mon Mar 19 21:12:16 2012] : Master_GM: They just sit out of reach.

[Mon Mar 19 21:12:24 2012] : Master_GM: That is no escape pod...

[Mon Mar 19 21:12:32 2012] : Master_GM: It seems to be some sort of creature...

[Mon Mar 19 21:12:42 2012] : Tetka: "The hell is that?"

[Mon Mar 19 21:12:43 2012] : Master_GM: Like a mynock it is traveling through space.

[Mon Mar 19 21:12:47 2012] : Pedric: "Sorry."

[Mon Mar 19 21:12:57 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "No idea, but we may be in for a fight."

[Mon Mar 19 21:13:03 2012] : Pedric: He says, not realizing he drank so much.

[Mon Mar 19 21:13:36 2012] : Shi*tal: "Antos pretty much raised me.. Taught me everything he knew... Took me on when it was obvious my father was more interested in my siblings and he had nothing more to teach me."

[Mon Mar 19 21:14:01 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Attention. Potential hostiles ahead," Arkoh says over the intercom. "Prepare for a bit of a rough flight."

[Mon Mar 19 21:14:30 2012] : Tetka: (Nice picture.)

[Mon Mar 19 21:14:55 2012] : Pedric: "Sounds like we don't get a break today." He looks around, "Where's the droid? I haven't seen her."

[Mon Mar 19 21:15:11 2012] : Master_GM: Roll New Initiatives

[Mon Mar 19 21:15:11 2012] : Master_GM:

Starting Round # 1 [D20]

[Mon Mar 19 21:15:14 2012] : Pedric: "Oh. We'll have to continue this conversation later. Seems we have a little in common."

[Mon Mar 19 21:15:34 2012] : Pedric: (oops... didn't realize combat was starting already. Sorry)

[Mon Mar 19 21:15:38 2012] : Master_GM: space creature added to list at init count 12 !

[Mon Mar 19 21:15:38 2012] : Master_GM: space creature [1d20+8] => [4,8] = (12) init

[Mon Mar 19 21:15:42 2012] : ** Shi*tal takes the drink and takes another sip. "The beskar'ad didn't make it either.. It sacrificed itself in a distraction which allowed us to get away." **

[Mon Mar 19 21:15:57 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra makes his way to the cabin once he finishes his examination and knows that bad things are happening. "Where do you need me, captain?" **

[Mon Mar 19 21:17:06 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "We are currently without a gunner. Can you help out there?"

[Mon Mar 19 21:17:22 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: "I will do what I am able."

[Mon Mar 19 21:17:29 2012] : ** Tetka reaches over and flips on their distress signal. **

[Mon Mar 19 21:18:33 2012] : Shi*tal: "Should see what I can do in engineering... Without SPY we're short a mechanic."

[Mon Mar 19 21:18:35 2012] : Master_GM: Unless you have Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons) you will have a -5 to attack with the main weapons.

[Mon Mar 19 21:18:49 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: ((Well uh))

[Mon Mar 19 21:18:58 2012] : Pedric: "Yes. I will see if I can be useful at all."

[Mon Mar 19 21:19:06 2012] : Master_GM: The weapons on this ship are only usable by a gunner.

[Mon Mar 19 21:19:21 2012] : ** Shi*tal stands slowly, her joints cracking audibly. She slowly starts making her way to Engineering. **

[Mon Mar 19 21:19:51 2012] : Shi*tal: (( which is pretty much negated by the Ship's int ;) ))

[Mon Mar 19 21:20:01 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (So are you saying we have no guns?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:20:49 2012] : Master_GM: Not necessarily.

[Mon Mar 19 21:20:54 2012] : Tetka: Errant Star [1d20+17-8] => [4,17,-8] = (13) init

[Mon Mar 19 21:20:55 2012] : Master_GM: Errant Star added to list at init count 13 !

[Mon Mar 19 21:21:02 2012] : Master_GM: Using them on autofire works.

[Mon Mar 19 21:21:05 2012] : Tetka: Errant Star [1d20+17-8] => [10,17,-8] = (19) init

[Mon Mar 19 21:21:06 2012] : Master_GM: Errant Star added to list at init count 19 !

[Mon Mar 19 21:21:15 2012] : Tetka: (Delete the first one.)

[Mon Mar 19 21:21:23 2012] : Master_GM: space creature has been removed from the initiative list !

[Mon Mar 19 21:21:28 2012] : Master_GM: Errant Star has been removed from the initiative list !

[Mon Mar 19 21:21:44 2012] : Master_GM: space creature added to list at init count 12 !

[Mon Mar 19 21:21:50 2012] : Pedric: Pedric, without asking, climbs up into the gunwell.

[Mon Mar 19 21:21:57 2012] : Master_GM:

1) Current Combatant: [19] Errant Star

(on deck: [12] space creature)

[Mon Mar 19 21:21:59 2012] : Tetka: (I can use the pilot-operated guns still, right?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:23:18 2012] : ** Shi*tal puls out her visor interface once she makes it to engineering and plugs it into System Operations **

[Mon Mar 19 21:24:07 2012] : Master_GM: Here are some weapons for you two. Pedric and Doc.

[Mon Mar 19 21:24:48 2012] : Pedric: Pedric looks over the equipment in the gunwell and tries to figure it all out.

[Mon Mar 19 21:24:57 2012] : Pedric: Knowledge: (Technology) [1d20+11+0] => [10,11,0] = (21)

[Mon Mar 19 21:25:21 2012] : Master_GM: Okay you have control of movement Tetka.

[Mon Mar 19 21:25:25 2012] : Master_GM: Your turn.

[Mon Mar 19 21:26:06 2012] : Pedric: He figures out enough, and starts to aim get the feel for the gun.

[Mon Mar 19 21:26:18 2012] : Tetka: Which is the way out?

[Mon Mar 19 21:26:24 2012] : Master_GM: He gets it set to auto-fire...

[Mon Mar 19 21:26:33 2012] : Master_GM: There is no way out it is survival mode.

[Mon Mar 19 21:29:17 2012] : Master_GM: So take your shots...

[Mon Mar 19 21:29:20 2012] : Tetka: Tetka tries to increase the speed of the vehicle as a swift action.

[Mon Mar 19 21:29:35 2012] : Tetka: Pilot: [1d20+17+0] => [14,17,0] = (31)

[Mon Mar 19 21:29:52 2012] : Pedric: Pedric, not really sure what he's doing, blasts away at the enemy.

[Mon Mar 19 21:29:52 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: laser cannons (autofire) Dr Ralrarra [1d20+5+-5+5] => [5,5,-5,5] = (10); damage [4d10+] => 4d10+x2

[Mon Mar 19 21:29:54 2012] : Shi*tal: (( yay 3 squares extra ;) ))

[Mon Mar 19 21:29:57 2012] : Pedric: laser cannons (autofire) [1d20+3] => [12,3] = (15); damage [4d10+3] => [2,2,3,9,3] = (19)x2

[Mon Mar 19 21:29:58 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (What can I do?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:30:16 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra has no idea what he's doing, but that's never stopped him1 **

[Mon Mar 19 21:30:33 2012] : Master_GM: [4d10+3] => [7,4,2,2,3] = (18)x2

[Mon Mar 19 21:31:02 2012] : ** Shi*tal holds tight to the console waiting till the time comes when she'll need to adjust power flow **

[Mon Mar 19 21:31:02 2012] : Master_GM: Right now your main roll is to assist on pilot and directing the rest of the crew...

[Mon Mar 19 21:31:13 2012] : Master_GM: Do you have persuasion?

[Mon Mar 19 21:31:54 2012] : Master_GM: Arkoh?

[Mon Mar 19 21:31:58 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (I do.)

[Mon Mar 19 21:32:20 2012] : Pedric: Pedric hollars over the comms, "This doesn't look too bad!" He seems to be enjoying shooting the turrets. (activating inspire confidence)

[Mon Mar 19 21:32:21 2012] : Master_GM: Making inspiring speeches and give pluses to the crew in general...

[Mon Mar 19 21:32:44 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (Do I need to roll anything for that?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:32:56 2012] : Master_GM: Persuasion.

[Mon Mar 19 21:33:16 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (Right. I meant more if there was a certain DC I needed to meet)

[Mon Mar 19 21:33:20 2012] : Master_GM: (Currently all other players get a +1 to atk and to skills due to Pedric's ability)

[Mon Mar 19 21:33:32 2012] : Master_GM: I will let you know if you meet it.

[Mon Mar 19 21:33:38 2012] : Master_GM:

2) Current Combatant: [12] space creature

(on deck: [19] Errant Star )

[Mon Mar 19 21:33:43 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (Great!)

[Mon Mar 19 21:33:47 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Persuasion: [1d20+3+2+5] => [10,3,2,5] = (20)

[Mon Mar 19 21:34:00 2012] : ** Tetka sighs when he hears the kid playing with the guns. "That's great, kid, don't get cocky," he replies. **

[Mon Mar 19 21:34:11 2012] : Shi*tal: (( lol ))

[Mon Mar 19 21:34:14 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (Nice work)

[Mon Mar 19 21:34:36 2012] : Master_GM: The creature flies at its full capacity. It looks like it is trying to land on the hull.

[Mon Mar 19 21:34:50 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (Did I make it?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:35:11 2012] : Master_GM: Everyone gains a +1 to Skills and atk due to Arkoh's speech. (Which he should roleplay._

[Mon Mar 19 21:35:23 2012] : Master_GM:

End of Round

Starting Round # 2

[Mon Mar 19 21:35:24 2012] : Master_GM:

1) Current Combatant: [19] Errant Star

(on deck: [12] space creature)

[Mon Mar 19 21:36:19 2012] : Tetka: Tetka tries to increase the speed again. "Boss, help me out here."

[Mon Mar 19 21:36:27 2012] : Tetka: (Wanna make an aid another check for me?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:36:29 2012] : Tetka: (Straight up Pilot)

[Mon Mar 19 21:36:38 2012] : Master_GM: With a -10.

[Mon Mar 19 21:36:44 2012] : Pedric: Pedric continues to shoot at the creature. Forgetting to turn off his comm, you can hear all of his shouts and hollars he lets out as he does so.

[Mon Mar 19 21:36:49 2012] : Tetka: (With a -10? Why?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:36:53 2012] : Tetka: (To increase speed?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:36:55 2012] : Pedric: laser cannons (autofire) [1d20+4] => [2,4] = (6); damage [4d10+3] => [3,7,8,6,3] = (27)x2

[Mon Mar 19 21:37:03 2012] : Master_GM: And the gunners can attack at anytime.

[Mon Mar 19 21:37:07 2012] : ** Shi*tal sees if she can assist Pedric in aiming better [1d20+11+2+2-10] => [9,11,2,2,-10] = (14) DC10 for +2 to attack **

[Mon Mar 19 21:37:07 2012] : Tetka: (Do you factor in the size mod even then?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:37:09 2012] : Pedric: (hooray for autofire!!)

[Mon Mar 19 21:37:13 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Pilot: [1d20+3+3+5+5 -10] => [5,3,3,5,5,-10] = (11)

[Mon Mar 19 21:37:18 2012] : Master_GM: Yes and the ships DEX mod.

[Mon Mar 19 21:37:27 2012] : Master_GM: Pretty much always.

[Mon Mar 19 21:37:27 2012] : Tetka: (So -8.)

[Mon Mar 19 21:37:36 2012] : Shi*tal: (( -6 ))

[Mon Mar 19 21:37:38 2012] : Tetka: (That's stupid.)

[Mon Mar 19 21:37:53 2012] : Tetka: (-6? Okay, that's not as bad.)

[Mon Mar 19 21:38:14 2012] : Tetka: Pilot: [1d20+17+1+2-6] => [14,17,1,2,-6] = (28)

[Mon Mar 19 21:38:19 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (So a minus 6, not a minus 10?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:38:22 2012] : Mercy: (Stop playing with this creature and get me a new body already!)

[Mon Mar 19 21:38:25 2012] : Straw Hat (enter): 21:38

[Mon Mar 19 21:38:27 2012] : Master_GM: For him.

[Mon Mar 19 21:38:31 2012] : Tetka: Pilot: [1d20+17+1+2-6] => [15,17,1,2,-6] = (29)

[Mon Mar 19 21:38:33 2012] : Shi*tal: (( -6 includes size mod and dex ))

[Mon Mar 19 21:38:48 2012] : Master_GM: Dex is a +4

[Mon Mar 19 21:38:52 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (So where'd the -10 from my aid another come from?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:38:57 2012] : Tetka: (Looks like they're about the same, but I'll take the second roll regardless.)

[Mon Mar 19 21:39:01 2012] : Master_GM: Doctor fire your gun.

[Mon Mar 19 21:39:09 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: laser cannons (autofire) Dr Ralrarra [1d20+5+-5+5] => [8,5,-5,5] = (13); damage [4d10+] => 4d10+x2

[Mon Mar 19 21:39:27 2012] : Master_GM: Your damage is missing the +3

[Mon Mar 19 21:39:35 2012] : Master_GM: It is messing you because of that.

[Mon Mar 19 21:39:51 2012] : Master_GM: [4d10+3] => [8,6,9,3,3] = (29)x2

[Mon Mar 19 21:40:17 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: (Oh, whoops, thanks)

[Mon Mar 19 21:40:38 2012] : Master_GM:

2) Current Combatant: [12] space creature

(on deck: [19] Errant Star )

[Mon Mar 19 21:41:07 2012] : Tetka: (How is it so fast? Can you move diagonally in space combat?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:41:23 2012] : Master_GM: The creatue is having trouble keeping up...

[Mon Mar 19 21:41:35 2012] : Master_GM: Yes 2 squares.

[Mon Mar 19 21:41:50 2012] : Master_GM: It is only able to try the faster ship.

[Mon Mar 19 21:41:51 2012] : Tetka: (Right, I meant as 1 square. Alrighty.)

[Mon Mar 19 21:41:57 2012] : Master_GM: try*trail

[Mon Mar 19 21:42:09 2012] : Master_GM:

End of Round

Starting Round # 3

[Mon Mar 19 21:42:09 2012] : Master_GM:

1) Current Combatant: [19] Errant Star

(on deck: [12] space creature)

[Mon Mar 19 21:42:27 2012] : Tetka: (I just realized I can just move all-out)

[Mon Mar 19 21:42:42 2012] : Master_GM: You will give the gunners more minuses though/.

[Mon Mar 19 21:42:50 2012] : Master_GM: And they are doing some damage.

[Mon Mar 19 21:42:58 2012] : ** Shi*tal assists Pedric in calibrating his targetting sensors [1d20+11+2+2-10] => [11,11,2,2,-10] = (16) DC10 for +2 to attack **

[Mon Mar 19 21:43:02 2012] : Tetka: (Good point. Alright, here we go again then.)

[Mon Mar 19 21:43:10 2012] : Tetka: (Another aid another action, if you please, Arkoh?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:43:11 2012] : Pedric: The unceasing barrage coming from Pedric's turret continues. It doesn't sound like he has let off the trigger once.

[Mon Mar 19 21:43:20 2012] : Pedric: laser cannons (autofire) [1d20+4] => [2,4] = (6); damage [4d10+3] => [3,10,5,2,3] = (23)x2

[Mon Mar 19 21:43:26 2012] : Pedric: Are you serious??

[Mon Mar 19 21:43:38 2012] : Pedric: (another freaking 2? I guess this is my pennance for those 20s...)

[Mon Mar 19 21:43:40 2012] : Shi*tal: (( ugh ))

[Mon Mar 19 21:43:54 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: laser cannons (autofire) Dr Ralrarra [1d20+5+-5+5] => [19,5,-5,5] = (24); damage [4d10+3] => [1,6,2,9,3] = (21)x2

[Mon Mar 19 21:44:01 2012] : Pedric: (I do appreciate the help though...)

[Mon Mar 19 21:44:05 2012] : Pedric: -_-

[Mon Mar 19 21:44:06 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra roars as he goes blasting away. **

[Mon Mar 19 21:44:17 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: "I have no idea what I'm doing!"

[Mon Mar 19 21:44:55 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Just keep firing! I think you're hurting it a bit!"

[Mon Mar 19 21:45:32 2012] : Master_GM: as the rapid fire strikes around the creature as the doctor and Pedric are firing away at it. The creature catches burns up in one of the randomly firing...

[Mon Mar 19 21:45:50 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (eh?)

[Mon Mar 19 21:46:18 2012] : Master_GM: Seeing the creature dead the two "asteroids make their move...

[Mon Mar 19 21:46:49 2012] : Master_GM: They are moving in quickly on the Errant Star...

[Mon Mar 19 21:47:22 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Arkoh picks up the comm, "We aren't out of this yet! Get ready!"

[Mon Mar 19 21:48:25 2012] : Master_GM: As the two ships move in on the heroes the sensors start going off.

[Mon Mar 19 21:48:39 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: "I see them!"

[Mon Mar 19 21:48:55 2012] : Tetka: "We've got something on sensors!"

[Mon Mar 19 21:49:08 2012] : Master_GM: On the sensors a starcraft enters screen...

[Mon Mar 19 21:49:19 2012] : ** Shi*tal pulls up the sensor readings **

[Mon Mar 19 21:49:35 2012] : Master_GM: It is much larger. Frigate sized.

[Mon Mar 19 21:49:39 2012] : Shi*tal: Use Computer: [1d20+11+-10+2+1] => [8,11,-10,2,1] = (12)

[Mon Mar 19 21:49:57 2012] : Shi*tal: (( and I bet I get nothing... ))

[Mon Mar 19 21:49:58 2012] : Master_GM: They open fire on the two "asteroids".

[Mon Mar 19 21:50:05 2012] : Master_GM: They other ship hails you.

[Mon Mar 19 21:50:10 2012] : Master_GM: *the

[Mon Mar 19 21:50:31 2012] : ** Tetka opens a comm channel. **

[Mon Mar 19 21:50:53 2012] : Master_GM: Star fighters fly out of the ship and engage the two living ships.

[Mon Mar 19 21:51:37 2012] : Master_GM: "This is the Pure Sabbac is everything all right?"

[Mon Mar 19 21:51:51 2012] : ** Shi*tal let's out an audible sigh of relief as reinforcements arrive. Unknown reinforcements at that, but who really cares at this point? **

[Mon Mar 19 21:52:49 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "This is the Errant Star. You showed up just in time."

[Mon Mar 19 21:54:25 2012] : Master_GM: "This is Vortia Kwis, who do we have the pleasure of saving?" A man says as he approaches your ship as you all begin to exit into his ship in which you docked into.

[Mon Mar 19 21:54:38 2012] : Master_GM: *I am Vortia Kwis

[Mon Mar 19 21:55:00 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Arkoh Osoran and my crew."

[Mon Mar 19 21:55:09 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "We are most grateful for your help."

[Mon Mar 19 21:55:22 2012] : Tetka: "Tetka SoLaal," he responds rather tersely.

[Mon Mar 19 21:55:26 2012] : Master_GM: Upon seeing Tetka he recognizes him. "Hey you were the pilot you won the Belt Runner Race!"

[Mon Mar 19 21:55:48 2012] : Master_GM: "I tried you hire you on, but you wouldn't have it. It is a shame really."

[Mon Mar 19 21:55:51 2012] : Tetka: "That was me," he confirms.

[Mon Mar 19 21:56:07 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra climbs down from the gunner seat, letting the more talkative crew do the talking, just standing there and looking "doctorly" **

[Mon Mar 19 21:56:08 2012] : ** Shi*tal disembarks the ship, having collected her helmet and putting it on before following the others slowly off the ship. Her rifle is slung over her shoulder and considering recent events isn't thrilled to leave it behind **

[Mon Mar 19 21:56:34 2012] : Tetka: "Lucky for this lot," he jerks a thumb to the rest of the crew. "Looks like they needed me more than you did."

[Mon Mar 19 21:57:03 2012] : Pedric: Pedric climbs down from the gunner seat.

[Mon Mar 19 21:57:03 2012] : Master_GM: "I can see that. You kept the ship is...mostly a good state."

[Mon Mar 19 21:57:22 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Of course. Tetka is the best pilot I've ever met."

[Mon Mar 19 21:57:31 2012] : Pedric: He heads off to go do something. He looks very somber as he goes though.

[Mon Mar 19 21:57:40 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "I'm not sure how long we would've lasted against those other ships though."

[Mon Mar 19 21:58:03 2012] : ** Shi*tal isn't really interested in the conversation at the moment and looks idly around, spotting Pedric she decides to follow. **

[Mon Mar 19 21:58:15 2012] : Vortia: "We can your distress signal while exploring an anomally in the area."

[Mon Mar 19 21:58:26 2012] : Vortia: can(recieved

[Mon Mar 19 22:00:05 2012] : Vortia: "Where were you heading?"

[Mon Mar 19 22:00:28 2012] : Shi*tal: "That was some... decent shooting," she says to Pedric as he walks past her.

[Mon Mar 19 22:01:19 2012] : Tetka: "Dubrillion, for repairs and resupply. And to talk to Lando Calrissian."

[Mon Mar 19 22:01:34 2012] : Tetka: "He wanted to hear what happened on Belkadan."

[Mon Mar 19 22:01:52 2012] : Vortia: "What happened to Belkadan?" His ears perk up.

[Mon Mar 19 22:01:53 2012] : Pedric: "Well. I. Don't usually have to do the shooting." He says heading toward the door to his room.

[Mon Mar 19 22:02:35 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "There's a lot to tell, and my crew and I are worn out. You got any whiskey?"

[Mon Mar 19 22:02:57 2012] : Tetka: "Everything you see in front of you. Ship damaged, crew members injured. Killed, in one case."

[Mon Mar 19 22:02:59 2012] : Vortia: He just smiles, "Sure."

[Mon Mar 19 22:03:01 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: "i am willing to brief you on the events that have transpired."

[Mon Mar 19 22:03:05 2012] : Tetka: He perks up at the mention of whiskey.

[Mon Mar 19 22:03:10 2012] : Shi*tal: "In any event... I'm sure he would have been proud. Proud you're able to hold your own and that you haven't given up."

[Mon Mar 19 22:03:13 2012] : Vortia: "Bridge take us to Dubrillion."

[Mon Mar 19 22:04:25 2012] : Pedric: He turns away quickly, before he does though, he looks as though he's about to tear up. Sighing heavily, he turns back, "Yeah. I... Hope so." He reaches the door to the room that houses Tal's body. He sighs again, and opens the door.

[Mon Mar 19 22:06:11 2012] : Master_GM: [1d20+5+0] => [2,5,0] = (7)

[Mon Mar 19 22:06:13 2012] : ** Shi*tal leaves him be, but instead heads to the quarters she inadvertantly discovered are Tetka's but as he has yet to claim them or kick her out makes use of them to change slowly out of her armor. **

[Mon Mar 19 22:06:47 2012] : Master_GM: It will take this vessel 4 days to reach the destination. What will your characters do over the course of that time.

[Mon Mar 19 22:07:07 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: I'll probably do some resting and make sure everyone else in the crew is holding together.

[Mon Mar 19 22:07:26 2012] : ** Shi*tal will see if the doc can detox the poison and get a good night sleep to start **

[Mon Mar 19 22:07:41 2012] : Pedric: Pedric sits for a while in the room. After a while, he reaches for the datapad he knows is in Tal's jacket pocket. He says his goodbyes, and heads out.

[Mon Mar 19 22:08:00 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra will make sure everyone heals as best as he can, and then sees to continuing his examination, hopefully with help and better tools **

[Mon Mar 19 22:08:25 2012] : Pedric: He tries to make some calls to see about having Tal's body retrieved and sent to be buried.

[Mon Mar 19 22:08:51 2012] : Mercy: SPY will continue to lay in pieces on Belkadan.

[Mon Mar 19 22:08:53 2012] : Master_GM: Those who need health will regain 24 for resting...

[Mon Mar 19 22:08:57 2012] : Shi*tal: Once healed and refreshed she'll go about the ship making necessary repairs.

[Mon Mar 19 22:09:20 2012] : Master_GM: The doctor can attempt detoxing Pedric and Shi'tal.

[Mon Mar 19 22:09:48 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Arkoh would probably also brief that one guy on what happened, but that wouldn't take long.

[Mon Mar 19 22:09:54 2012] : Pedric: The rest of the time, Pedric can be seen seemingly endlessly on his computer.

[Mon Mar 19 22:09:56 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: [1d20+14] => [15,14] = (29) detox Pedric

[Mon Mar 19 22:09:59 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: [1d20+14] => [18,14] = (32) detox Shi*tal

[Mon Mar 19 22:10:10 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: (That should be +15, for 30 and 33)

[Mon Mar 19 22:10:13 2012] : Pedric: He isn't closed to conversation, but doesn't seek it out either.

[Mon Mar 19 22:10:29 2012] : Master_GM: The poison has left both of their systems.

[Mon Mar 19 22:10:43 2012] : Mercy: (like a boss)

[Mon Mar 19 22:11:17 2012] : Master_GM: And how much health does Pedric and Shi'tal need after the 26.

[Mon Mar 19 22:11:24 2012] : ** Shi*tal will after awhile sit companionably with Pedric, reading something on her computer bracer **

[Mon Mar 19 22:11:39 2012] : Shi*tal: [80-66] => 14

[Mon Mar 19 22:11:53 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: ((I am actually still injure after the 26, too))

[Mon Mar 19 22:12:35 2012] : Master_GM: Actually they should have a Bacta tank...

[Mon Mar 19 22:12:43 2012] : Master_GM: So add another 26 to it...

[Mon Mar 19 22:12:49 2012] : Master_GM: And Wookiees heal faster.

[Mon Mar 19 22:12:57 2012] : Master_GM: They get double the amount.

[Mon Mar 19 22:13:17 2012] : Pedric: Apparently immersing himself in his "work" is helping Pedric grieve though, as he seems to be doing better.

[Mon Mar 19 22:13:40 2012] : Master_GM: (GM Whisper:) Roll a using computer Use

[Mon Mar 19 22:13:56 2012] : Shi*tal: Use Computer: [1d20+11++2] => [16,11,2] = (29)

[Mon Mar 19 22:14:40 2012] : Tetka: (My character is surly and hardened. He's also seen allied droids destroyed left and right.)

[Mon Mar 19 22:15:37 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: As Arkoh is wandering the halls of the ship that rescued them, he spots Pedric sitting in a corner and Shi'tal sitting nearby and approaches them. "How are you two holding up?"

[Mon Mar 19 22:15:38 2012] : Master_GM: Arkoh might be the only one who would pull up her programming.

[Mon Mar 19 22:16:26 2012] : Pedric: Assuming Arkoh is speaking more to Shi'tal, like most people usually ignore him, he doesn't respond. He just keeps typing.

[Mon Mar 19 22:17:35 2012] : ** Shi*tal looks surly as if what's she's reading is actually making her rather peeved. With a few forcefuls key punches of her bracer she turns it off. "BEtter..." she says shortly. **

[Mon Mar 19 22:18:40 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Good to hear." Arkoh then looks at Pedric and speaks again, "I said 'you two' as in both you AND Shi'tal, Pedric."

[Mon Mar 19 22:19:56 2012] : ** Shi*tal does indeed look remarkably better, the marks the poisoned weapons left on her have almost completely faded thanks to the dips in the bacta tank. There's a small scar interrupting her tattoo on her stomach which will perhaps be forever noticable **

[Mon Mar 19 22:20:00 2012] : Pedric: He breaks his concentration. "Oh. Sorry. I assumed you were just talking to Shi'tal. I'm ok. Trying to find...." He says resuming his work.

[Mon Mar 19 22:21:03 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra focuses on his work, interacting with the crew only when approached. He's concearned, and is viewing study of these strange creatures and their poison a top priority. He wants to be able to mass produce an antitode, and ifind out whatever else he can. **

[Mon Mar 19 22:22:06 2012] : ** Shi*tal mutters to herself undecipherably in Mando'a as she stands and stretches. Words like Antos and some other curse words are really the only things that can be caught. **

[Mon Mar 19 22:22:34 2012] : Pedric: "What were you working on?" He says to her.

[Mon Mar 19 22:22:48 2012] : Vortia: During the course of the ship Vortia tries to get to know each of the important crew members, especially Tetka. He tries to be buddy buddy with him as oftena s he can. Inviting him for drinks and games of Sabacc, his favorite.

[Mon Mar 19 22:23:44 2012] : ** Tetka is hard to be buddy buddy with, but he's amiable enough after heavy alcohol consumption, and after a couple of days, he can even be downright jovial. **

[Mon Mar 19 22:23:46 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Everything alright, Shi'tal? You seem upset."

[Mon Mar 19 22:23:58 2012] : ** Shi*tal stops and glances over at him for a moment before continuing the stretch. "Was deciphering some data I came accross for a project I've been working," shrugs. "Turned out to not be worth it's price."**

[Mon Mar 19 22:26:03 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Sorry to hear that. You look as if you're feeling much better, though. Very good."

[Mon Mar 19 22:27:11 2012] : Shi*tal: "I am.. the dip in the bacta helped. Been able to get some repairs done on the Star as well."

[Mon Mar 19 22:27:36 2012] : ** Shi*tal glances over at Pedric "What have you been working?" she asks, working on getting the topic off her **

[Mon Mar 19 22:27:43 2012] : Pedric: "Sorry to hear about your project."

[Mon Mar 19 22:27:52 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Good work. How long until we're fully functional?"

[Mon Mar 19 22:28:22 2012] : Pedric: "Oh. Just moving some investments around. Looking for a good company to invest in right now. Has to have some very specific manufacturing capabilities."

[Mon Mar 19 22:30:04 2012] : Shi*tal: "Sounds... interesting."

[Mon Mar 19 22:30:34 2012] : Pedric: "I think it is. But I recognize it isn't in most people's interest."

[Mon Mar 19 22:31:13 2012] : Pedric: It might be found odd that Pedric hasn't even made a single pass at Shi'tal over the past couple of days, and has been much more pleasant as a whole, really.

[Mon Mar 19 22:31:57 2012] : Pedric: But it might also be because he has been working so much.

[Mon Mar 19 22:32:18 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Do you have an estimate, Shi'tal?"

[Mon Mar 19 22:33:20 2012] : ** Shi*tal shrugs. "To each their own I guess." **

[Mon Mar 19 22:36:41 2012] : Master_GM: Sorry calculating...

[Mon Mar 19 22:36:47 2012] : ** Shi*tal ponders the question for a moment, the act seeming to calm her completely as she does the mental calculations. "Another 10 hours, but the hyperdrive is shot.. we're going to need a new one." **

[Mon Mar 19 22:38:10 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Alright. Do all you can besides the work on the hyperdrive. We'll buy a new one the next time we land somewhere with a spaceport or a shipyard."

[Mon Mar 19 22:38:53 2012] : Shi*tal: "We're not going to get far without one.. Till then we're going to have to keep bumming a ride," she says distastefully, the prospect not sitting well.

[Mon Mar 19 22:39:30 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "We'll have one soon enough. Don't worry."

[Mon Mar 19 22:39:58 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Besides, 'bumming rides' is bad for business."

[Mon Mar 19 22:40:29 2012] : ** Shi*tal nods her agreement. **

[Mon Mar 19 22:40:32 2012] : Tetka: "Right. People bum rides off us."

[Mon Mar 19 22:40:45 2012] : Pedric: As the conversation is away from him, he is back to working.

[Mon Mar 19 22:40:53 2012] : Tetka: Tetka sounds a little intoxicated, not that that's out of the ordinary.

[Mon Mar 19 22:40:58 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Oh, Tetka! Good to see you. Are you well?"

[Mon Mar 19 22:41:41 2012] : Tetka: "Well? I'm freckin' great! Booze, gambling, good company, and a big, beautiful ship."

[Mon Mar 19 22:41:53 2012] : Tetka: He sounds even more intoxicated than usual.

[Mon Mar 19 22:42:04 2012] : Tetka: And a lot less curmudgeonly.

[Mon Mar 19 22:42:43 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Probably a hefty bribe, too..." Arkoh mutters to himself. "You should probably rest a bit. I'll need you sharp and ready for action once our ship is repaired."

[Mon Mar 19 22:43:00 2012] : Tetka: "Geh. Fly better drunk."

[Mon Mar 19 22:43:10 2012] : Tetka: "You worry about what you worry about, I worry about how I fly."

[Mon Mar 19 22:43:36 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Wouldn't have it any other way."

[Mon Mar 19 22:44:01 2012] : Tetka: "Oh, and you can buy the hyperdrive. I'm shelling out for some guns I can fire from the cockpit. Those two trying to hit that thing was paTHEEETTIiiic. *hic*"

[Mon Mar 19 22:44:22 2012] : Master_GM: After the time is over with the Pure Sabacc comes out of hyperspace. The sight is not pretty. X-wings, Y-wings, and A-Wings litter the area. The Belt Runner I is obliterated. However as you move closer to Dubrillion you see a few Star Destroyers above the planet. The ship is hailed and they are told they may land on planet.

[Mon Mar 19 22:44:23 2012] : ** Shi*tal drops back into a seat, her gaze focusing on nothing as she goes deep into thought **

[Mon Mar 19 22:44:26 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "That's fine."

[Mon Mar 19 22:45:30 2012] : ** Tetka doesn't quite like Star Destroyers. They remind him of some bad old memories. **

[Mon Mar 19 22:46:41 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Arkoh turns to his crew and says quietly, "Let me have a few words with Pedric in private. I have some...unfinished business with him."

[Mon Mar 19 22:47:47 2012] : Pedric: Pedric stops working and looks angered.

[Mon Mar 19 22:47:51 2012] : ** Shi*tal glances up at Arkoh and with a shrug goes back to finishing her duties as mechanic. She gives him a look as if to silently rehash what he had told her once about dealing with the noble. **

[Mon Mar 19 22:48:06 2012] : ** Dr. Ralrarra joins the rest of the crew when they are close to landing, staying the silent, stoic type, looking deep in thought. **

[Mon Mar 19 22:51:57 2012] : ** Shi*tal is busy at work in the engineering room, her rifle near at hand. **

[Mon Mar 19 22:56:53 2012] : Vortia: "Are you sure you don't want to stay with us?" He asks as the crew is about to disembark. You have discovered that the creatures, they are Yuuzhan Vong, have attacked Dubrillion and Helska IV, but they have been turned back for the time being. You now are able to go on planet and get the things that you will need.

[Mon Mar 19 22:57:16 2012] : Master_GM: Continue your conversation, but I am going to continue plot.

[Mon Mar 19 22:58:02 2012] : Master_GM: Reports have come in from some Jedi and a scientist from Belkadan.

[Mon Mar 19 22:58:10 2012] : Master_GM: They can speak Basic.

[Mon Mar 19 22:58:22 2012] : Master_GM: At least some.

[Mon Mar 19 22:58:52 2012] : Pedric: Pedric closes his computer and leaves it on the table he was working on. He then heads to the comm station of the ship.

[Mon Mar 19 23:00:22 2012] : ** Shi*tal stores her armor in the spacer's chest in the hold, putting on the baggy shirt. With her rifle slung over a shoulder she isn't as intimidating a sight as she was in her armor, and her figure is mostly obscured now. She's downloading any reports she can about this new enemy. **

[Mon Mar 19 23:02:15 2012] : ** Shi*tal frowns at what she reads over. **

[Mon Mar 19 23:02:30 2012] : ** Tetka heads to the cockpit, swaying from side to side a little as he goes. He's utterly soused. **

[Mon Mar 19 23:03:10 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Arkoh emerges from the room Pedric was in and heads back to the Errant Star to prepare for landing on the planet's surface.

[Mon Mar 19 23:03:16 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: "And now what is our plan?"

[Mon Mar 19 23:04:57 2012] : ** Shi*tal doesn't understand the Wookie, though she recognizes he's speaking, but continues to read the reports undeterred for the moment, her frown increasing with each one. **

[Mon Mar 19 23:05:29 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "First thing we need is a new hyperdrive. Without that, we aren't going anywhere."

[Mon Mar 19 23:05:54 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "After that, I guess we'll be meeting with Lando."

[Mon Mar 19 23:06:05 2012] : ** Tetka messes with the controls for a minute before realizing that the ship is still docked, and they're not taking off yet. He grumbles, and leaves again. **

[Mon Mar 19 23:06:27 2012] : Tetka: "Lando? Lando was expecting us four days ago! *hic*"

[Mon Mar 19 23:06:38 2012] : Tetka: "Guy probly thinks we're dead!"

[Mon Mar 19 23:06:56 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "I'm sure he'll understand. From what I know of him, he seems a decent enough fellow."

[Mon Mar 19 23:08:24 2012] : ** Shi*tal turns off the display and goes to see when they're making landfall. "So.. what's the plan?" **

[Mon Mar 19 23:09:46 2012] : Vortia: "Well, if you guys ever need any help give us a call." He calls out to them on the comm after they leave.

[Mon Mar 19 23:09:57 2012] : Tetka: "What's the plan? Get this thing fixed and get outta here, that's the plan! Get new bucket, new hyperdrive, some brand new guns that I get to shoot... heheh, bang bang."

[Mon Mar 19 23:10:14 2012] : Master_GM: You are now on planet...

[Mon Mar 19 23:10:28 2012] : Pedric: (Pedric steals Tetka's comm link)

[Mon Mar 19 23:10:30 2012] : ** Tetka nods and waves. "Call me when you want to lose at sabacc, Vortia! Ha ha ha!" **

[Mon Mar 19 23:11:06 2012] : Dr. Ralrarra: "I am going to need to acquire certain suplies, in order to restore our diminished stocks."

[Mon Mar 19 23:11:13 2012] : Tetka: (Roll Stealth to pick my pocket)

[Mon Mar 19 23:11:20 2012] : Mercy: (Don't forget about the spice)

[Mon Mar 19 23:11:35 2012] : Mercy: (Might want to cash it in as soon as posible)

[Mon Mar 19 23:11:44 2012] : Mercy: (Use it or lose it maybe)

[Mon Mar 19 23:11:51 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (We could sell it on the black market, i guess, lol)

[Mon Mar 19 23:12:03 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (since our handler is kinda half past dead)

[Mon Mar 19 23:12:09 2012] : Tetka: (Wait, I just got it)

[Mon Mar 19 23:12:12 2012] : Tetka: (hahahahaha)

[Mon Mar 19 23:12:34 2012] : Pedric: (HA! There you go! LOL)

[Mon Mar 19 23:13:34 2012] : ** Shi*tal gets ready to leave and with a glance at Arkoh says, "Then I guess our first order should be a new hyperdrive? **

[Mon Mar 19 23:14:24 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Right. I think Pedric has a lead on that."

[Mon Mar 19 23:15:22 2012] : Shi*tal: "Oh? Maybe I should go discuss it with him then?"

[Mon Mar 19 23:15:56 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "That would probably be best. I can provide the funds when you have the seller."

[Mon Mar 19 23:16:23 2012] : ** Shi*tal nods, before going to find where Pedric had gone. **

[Mon Mar 19 23:18:38 2012] : Tetka: "We gonna sell that spice back there, or smoke it?"

[Mon Mar 19 23:19:22 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "If you can locate a buyer somewhere, we'll sell it. If not, we'll consider it a gift for our trouble."

[Mon Mar 19 23:19:53 2012] : Tetka: He shrugs. "Not my area of expertise. If you want a black market, ask the rich boy. Bet he's got connections."

[Mon Mar 19 23:20:26 2012] : Tetka: "Me, I'm gonna go see if there's a place that sells turbolasers."

[Mon Mar 19 23:20:44 2012] : ** Shi*tal finds Pedric at the comm panel.... **

[Mon Mar 19 23:20:51 2012] : Tetka: "Not flying into another Yuuzhan Vong ambush outgunned."

[Mon Mar 19 23:21:07 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Good thinking. You can cover the cost, right?"

[Mon Mar 19 23:21:29 2012] : Tetka: "Mmm. 50k? Maybe. I'll let you know if I can't." He grins.

[Mon Mar 19 23:21:54 2012] : Tetka: "Depends how big we want our new lasers."

[Mon Mar 19 23:22:13 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Knock yourself out. You're the one who's gonna be blasting things with them."

[Mon Mar 19 23:22:18 2012] : ** Shi*tal hovers at the entrance, not really wanting to intrude, but waiting for him to take notice of her **

[Mon Mar 19 23:22:54 2012] : Tetka: "Yeah, but you're the one who doesn't get vaporised by the things I blast."

[Mon Mar 19 23:23:34 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Arkoh smiles, saying, "I trust your judgment."

[Mon Mar 19 23:25:43 2012] : Tetka: (How many emplacement points do I want to use up on our weaponry?)

[Tue Mar 20 00:03:05 2012] : Master_GM: So, Tetka and Arkoh walk into a droid shop...

[Tue Mar 20 00:03:26 2012] : Master_GM: The place is more like a scrap heap than a shop.

[Tue Mar 20 00:04:01 2012] : Master_GM: No one is at the counter.

[Tue Mar 20 00:04:17 2012] : ** Tetka walks around and checks the place out. **

[Tue Mar 20 00:04:29 2012] : ** Tetka looks for any droid models he'd recognize. **

[Tue Mar 20 00:04:36 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Hello? Anyone there?"

[Tue Mar 20 00:04:46 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "We'd like to purchase a droid."

[Tue Mar 20 00:05:10 2012] : Tetka: Or at least, anything not totally trashed.

[Tue Mar 20 00:05:21 2012] : Tetka: Perception: [1d20+10+0] => [4,10,0] = (14)

[Tue Mar 20 00:06:05 2012] : Master_GM: The place looks like an assortment of knick knacks, dodads, and doohickies. Nothing looks good.

[Tue Mar 20 00:06:12 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: I should probably roll too...

[Tue Mar 20 00:06:32 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Perception: [1d20+3+1+5] => [19,3,1,5] = (28)

[Tue Mar 20 00:06:52 2012] : Tetka: (3+1+5? What's that all about?)

[Tue Mar 20 00:07:12 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Half level, trained, and i forget where the plus one came from

[Tue Mar 20 00:07:20 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: I just didn't put them all into one number

[Tue Mar 20 00:07:22 2012] : Shi*tal: (( WIS? ))

[Tue Mar 20 00:07:23 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Probably should thoug

[Tue Mar 20 00:07:26 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: *though

[Tue Mar 20 00:07:26 2012] : Malabee: A small, deep purple Squib hurries out from behind a large stack of crates, her face erupting in a large smile. "No need to be doing the shouting, I was just counting the... uhm... well, how may I be of service?"

[Tue Mar 20 00:07:28 2012] : Master_GM: WIS mod I would assume.

[Tue Mar 20 00:07:34 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Yea, that's the one

[Tue Mar 20 00:07:50 2012] : Tetka: (Oh man, a Squib)

[Tue Mar 20 00:08:00 2012] : Tetka: (She talks way too normally to be a squib though)

[Tue Mar 20 00:08:01 2012] : Pedric: (whispering): "Well. Tal's armor. It's... He was a storm trooper."

[Tue Mar 20 00:08:13 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Umm...yes. We are looking for a droid to replace ours."

[Tue Mar 20 00:11:25 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "So...what do you have in stock?"

[Tue Mar 20 00:12:09 2012] : Malabee: Her eyes light up eagerly. It was always easy to get a little extra on a droid. "Oh yes, I have many many of the droids. Come come over this way" she motions for them to follow her deeper into the shop heap. A few droids could be seen leaning against piles of things here and there. "Hows about this? Smeltie droid, 20, 000 Credits, good deal"

[Tue Mar 20 00:13:25 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Not quite what we're looking for. What else do you have?"

[Tue Mar 20 00:13:38 2012] : Tetka: Tetka grumbles, thinking over droids he's known to be reliable. "Got any B2s?"

[Tue Mar 20 00:15:49 2012] : Malabee: Her ears droop with disappointment momentarily. She considers his question thoughtfully, then shakes her head. "Nope, no B2. You don't like this one, ok, here one you like." she moves on to another droid, a 3PO unit that appears to have been in an asteroid storm "This one a little beat, but it be working just fine. 7, 000"

[Tue Mar 20 00:17:28 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "We don't really need a protocol droid. Tetka? What do you think. Maybe we should go somewhere else."

[Tue Mar 20 00:17:40 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: *think should have a question mark after it...

[Tue Mar 20 00:17:48 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: (my bad)

[Tue Mar 20 00:18:00 2012] : Tetka: "We just need a chassis that isn't battered to crap."

[Tue Mar 20 00:20:52 2012] : Tetka: "Something a little more durable. Maybe with armor or shields."

[Tue Mar 20 00:21:03 2012] : Tetka: "Don't want it getting trashed again."

[Tue Mar 20 00:21:39 2012] : Malabee: At this, her eyes widen and her ears perk in alarm. She'd been hoping to get rid of the slowest moving droids she had, but clearly these two weren't suckers. Business had been slow this week, she decided to go for the shock and awe factor. "Wait wait, no making with the leaving! There is a new droid, I repair it myself... extra koovy. Come come" she lead them through the maze of knickknacks and almost toppling piles to a large Droideka model, it looks nearly immaculate, and appears to have a few extra attachments. "Nothing like this out and about. Twice as good as before. What say you?"

[Tue Mar 20 00:22:21 2012] : ** Tetka looks surprise and inspects it to see if it's like he remembers. **

[Tue Mar 20 00:22:38 2012] : Tetka: *surprised

[Tue Mar 20 00:23:50 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: "Impressive. I haven't seen a Droideka in quite some time. I thought their production was stopped with the fall of the Trade Federation."

[Tue Mar 20 00:24:46 2012] : Malabee: "Twice as good. Has hands, for extra bang bang guns, in case the lasers no good. Automap, I put in myself. Heuristic processor, dumb dumb droid no good, right? Blown up in a battle, brought here, twice as good, I promise!" she purred, running a hand down the droid's side. "I give you for... 50, 000. Is bargain"

[Tue Mar 20 00:25:42 2012] : Tetka: "Looks like the genuine article, boss. Modified for general use, too. These things are sturdy as hell. No Vong's gonna tear into it so easy."

[Tue Mar 20 00:26:20 2012] : Tetka: He thinks. "What about a vocabulator? I can understand binary, but my boss here probably wants something that can speak Basic."

[Tue Mar 20 00:28:10 2012] : Malabee: Her eyes twinkle at Tetka "oh yes, Durasteel Battle armor" she knocks on the droid's back, making a loud clank sound "Nothing tear into this droid, not even tank!" she studies Tetka for a second. "50, 000, and Vocabulator is free."

[Tue Mar 20 00:28:49 2012] : Tetka: "I spent a good 30,000 on laser cannons for the Star. Wanna foot the bill, boss?"

[Tue Mar 20 00:33:03 2012] : Tetka: (No skill rolls here? My my.)

[Tue Mar 20 00:33:27 2012] : Arkoh Osoran: Persuasion: [1d20+3+2+5] => [14,3,2,5] = (24)

[Tue Mar 20 00:34:39 2012] : Malabee: She considers this carefully, her eyes narrowing. "This droid is masterpiece! 20, 000 is insult. So much be added to this, so much work... money it be costing! Improve the sensors I did, and recharge interface for the blasters... I lower it to 40, 000 with free Vocabultor"

[Tue Mar 20 00:38:45 2012] : Malabee: Her ears twitch as she gestures towards the inactive droid with a vague hand. "I like to see find another droid that be as good as this. Is masterpiece, I tell you. 37 000, and you be cheating me at this price."

[Tue Mar 20 00:44:08 2012] : Malabee: She claps her furry hands in delight and hops up and down "Oh yes, disappointed you will not be, best droid in 40 mile radius, I swear!" she proclaims, seizing his hand and rubbing it against her cheek affectionately. "Vocabulator be here there or somewhere abouts, don't be doing the moving!" she proclaimed, running off

[Tue Mar 20 00:56:37 2012] : Malabee: She return with a vocabulator held high in a furry hand, a victorious look on her face. she holds it out for Tetka to take "Here is vocabulator! Brand new, not used, I swear it." She holds out her other hand "Money"

[Tue Mar 20 01:00:04 2012] : Malabee: She takes the credits eagerly and counts them quickly right in front of him. When she was satisfied, she gave an eager little bow. "Takie the droid when you like, and have a sunny day!" she chirped, her eyes suddenly turning predatory as she spots another customer wandering into her shop, this one looking very rich, and very dumb.

[Tue Mar 20 01:01:36 2012] : Tetka: "Hmm? Fine."

[Tue Mar 20 01:02:00 2012] : Tetka: He tosses aside the head of an old B1. Ahh, memories.

[Tue Mar 20 01:02:39 2012] : Tetka: Mechanics: [1d20+10+0] => [2,10,0] = (12)

[Tue Mar 20 01:02:43 2012] : Tetka: (oops)

[Tue Mar 20 01:02:47 2012] : Tetka: (FP)

[Tue Mar 20 01:02:50 2012] : Tetka: [1d6] => [6] = (6)

[Tue Mar 20 01:04:35 2012] : ** Shi*tal is busy doing other things atm **

[Tue Mar 20 01:17:38 2012] : ** Shi*tal seems to be in a bit better mood than she had been before and she approaches the chasis. "Huh.. droideka. Good find... so what do you need me for?" **

[Tue Mar 20 01:19:08 2012] : Shi*tal: "I can try, more mechanically inclined than I am computer."

[Tue Mar 20 01:22:35 2012] : ** Shi*tal looks over to see what else neeeds to be done to the chasis **

[Tue Mar 20 01:26:09 2012] : ** Shi*tal takes the vocabulator and first holds it up. "This is SPY right.. are you sure we want it to have this... All those bad jokes? **

[Tue Mar 20 01:27:32 2012] : ** Shi*tal shrugs and hooks up the necessary cables to the chasis's processor. "I'll see what I can do, but Pedric will probably be better at it than I am." **

[Tue Mar 20 01:28:24 2012] : ** Shi*tal pulls out her visor, hocking it up to the console as well. Her eyes are soon covered in a ghostly virage of images and words as the float across the visor. **

[Tue Mar 20 01:28:39 2012] : Shi*tal: Use Computer: [1d20+11+2] => [9,11,2] = (22)

[Tue Mar 20 01:28:57 2012] : Malabee: (Use computer, DC 25. Tetka could assist you if you want. You could take 20 for it I think)

[Tue Mar 20 01:31:05 2012] : ** Shi*tal looks over at Tetka through the visor. "Mind helping me out?" **
