Galactic Campaigns Wiki

Welcome to the Galactic Campaigns Wiki[]

We are a community dedicated to the roleplaying form provided by Play by Post forum games as well as Virtual Tabletops such as OpenRPG and Roll20.

This community was founded May 22, 2007 by Rowen and had been originally called Star Wars Galactic Adventures. With the switch to a privately paid site several months later the name was changed to Galactic Campaigns to fully encompass the broad interests of the community. Since then our genre of games has delved outside the realm of Star Wars and into the exploits of heroes and some fantastical realms. Being unable to support the private webhost, the community has moved the content of its forum threads to wiki format so that the stories told within its confines would not be lost forever.

Purpose of the Wiki[]

The contents of this Wiki serve as a repository for information and transcripts from RPG Campaigns played via text. The content can be from Virtual Table top games such as Roll20, D20 Pro, and OpenRPG. Members are also welcome to post compilations of their game threads.

Adding Your Game[]

GMs and even players are welcome to add content to the wiki for their game.

See Adding Your Game
